Davetta Care Blog

Are Home Healthcare Workers Considered Essential Workers?

When the pandemic began, the topic of what business and who was allowed to continue to work was a hot topic in every city and state. A new title was introduced to describe those who could continue to work; essential workers. This title included hospital staff,...

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Where You Can Find Caregivers For Hire?

There are situations in life that may require the need to find caregivers for hire. This typically happens when an elderly person gets to a point where they need additional care in their home. Any family will initially try to meet those needs but after some time this...

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How to Hire Caregivers to Take Care of Your Loved Ones

There may come a time where you need to make a difficult decision regarding your elderly loved ones’ care. We understand that the need to hire caregivers can be a big change for everyone but there is nothing to fear. Many families feel as though they have failed their...

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7 Ways Personal Caretakers in Philadelphia Can Help

The time has come when you need to hire personal caretakers in Philadelphia to help with the care of your loved one. A personal caretaker is a person who cares for the health and well-being of someone. The patient will need help with daily activities and tasks around...

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Our Mission

Our mission is to improve our client’s lives and health by providing professional services, enabling them to achieve the full potential of every day.

Personal Care

Companion Care

Hospital Accompaniment

Accreditations and Licensing


2230 E Allegheny Avenue Philadelphia, Pa 19134